Auto Team Balance
⭐ This plugin is private! Can be purchased on our Discord Marketplace.
This plugin performs instantlly automatic team balancing or shuffling based on your configuration.
It offers two methods to choose from:
For Public servers where teams play against each other
For servers with modes like Deathmatch/Gungame/CTF/etc.. (where players respawn upon death)
✨ Public server method
For public servers, the plugin allows you to:
Scramble teams after wins in a row:
Set the number of wins per team in a row, after which the teams are automatically scrambled.
Instantly balance teams at round end:
Enable or disable instant team balancing at the end of each round.
Balancing type:
Choose the team balancing type based on the top, bottom, or mid fragger in the team, or option for random balancing.
✨ Deathmatch server method
For servers featuring modes like Deathmatch/Gungame/CTF, the plugin allows you to:
Instant switch of the first dead player for balancing:
Enable or disable the immediate switch of the first dead player for team balancing.
Scramble teams after kills in a row:
Set the number of kills per team in a row, after which the teams are automatically scrambled.
Automatic timer for balancing/shuffling:
Set the time interval for automatic team balancing or shuffling.
Balancing type:
Choose the team balancing type based on the top, bottom, or mid fragger in the team, or option for random balancing.
Balance method
- Public
- Deathmatch
Minimum players
Minimum number of players to activate the plugin
Balance type
According to which option the teams will be balanced
- Random
- Top Fragger
- Bottom Fragger
- Mid Fragger
Balance Methods
Scramble teams after wins in a row
If any team wins XX rounds in a row there will be a shuffle of teams (For disable this option, set value to 0)
Instantly balance teams at round end
Instant team balancing at the end of each round, if the teams are unbalanced ( true
/ false
Reset teams wins in row after instantly balance
/ false
Players difference in teams
What difference in the number of players in the teams must mean that they are not balanced
Admin Commands
(Flag: @css/scrambleteams)
If Balance method: Public (1):
Teams will be shuffled at the end of the round
If Balance method: Deathmatch (2):
Teams will be shuffled immediately
(Flag: @css/balanceteams)
If Balance method: Public (1):
Teams will be balanced at the end of the round
If Balance method: Deathmatch (2):
Teams will be balanced immediately
Last updated