Reserved Slots

This plugin allows players with a specific permission flag to connect even when the server is full, based on your configuration settings.

Designed for CounterStrikeSharp framework.


  1. Unzip into your servers csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/ReservedSlots/ dir



Flag for reserved slots

Reservation flag (Leave blank for disable this option)

Admin flag for reserved slots

Reservation flag for Admins. When a player with an Admin reserved flag joins, no one is kicked (Leave blank for disable this option)

Kick immunity type

Who will be immune to the kick?

0 - Players with a Reserved flag or an Admin reserved flag

1 - Only players with a Reserved flag

2 - Only players with an Admin reserved flag

Reserved slots

How many slots will be reserved if the reserved slots method is 1 or 2

Reserved slots method

0 - There will always be one slot open. For example, if your maxplayers is set to 10, the server can have a maximum of 9 players. If a 10th player joins with a Reservation flag, it will kick a player based on the Kick type. If the 10th player doesn't have a reservation flag, they will be kicked

1 - Maintains the number of available slots according to the reservation slots setting, allowing only players with a Reservation flag to join. For example, if you have maxplayers set to 10 and Reserved slots set to 3, when there are 7/10 players on the server, additional players can only join if they have a Reservation flag. If they don't, they will be kicked. If the server is already full and a player with a Reservation flag attempts to join, it will kick a player based on the Kick type

2 - It works the same way as in method 2, except players with a Reservation flag are not counted towards the total player count. For example, if there are 7/10 players on the server, and Reserved slots are set to 3. Out of those 7 players, two players have a Reservation flag. The plugin will then consider that there are 5 players on the server, allowing two more players without a Reservation flag to connect. If the server is already full and a player with a Reservation flag attempts to join, it will kick a player based on the Kick type

Leave one slot open

Works only if reserved slots method is set to 1 or 2. If set to true, there will always be one slot open. (true / false)

Kick Delay

This means that the player will be kicked after a certain time (seconds)

Value less than 1 means the player will be kicked immediately)

Kick Check Method

When a player will be selected for kick when a player with a Reserved flag joins??

0 - When a player with a Reserved flag joins

1 - When a player with a Reserved flag choose a team

Kick type

How is a players selected to be kicked?

0 - Players will be kicked randomly

1 - Players will be kicked by highest ping

2 - Players will be kicked by highest score

3 - Players will be kicked by lowest score

Kick players in spectate

Kick players who are in spectate first? (true / false)

Log kicked players

(true / false)

Display kicked players message

Who will see the message when a player is kicked due to a reserved slot

0 - None

1 - All players

2 - Only Admins with the @css/generic flag

Last updated