Commands Blocker

⭐ This plugin is private! Can be purchased on our Discord Marketplace.

It is used to block certain commands from other CounterStrikeSharp plugins for players who do not have a linked Discord account or a specific Discord role.

The plugin includes a very simple configuration where you can set a list of blocked commands, specify who can use the commands, and add custom response messages for when a player is unable to use a command.

Config Preview
  "Not Linked Message": "{darkred}[!]{default} You must have a linked Discord account to use this command! ({green}/link{default})",
  "Blocked Commands": {
    "ws": {
      "Roles": [], // If you only want the command for Linked Players, do not specify any Roles for this command.
      "NoPermisionText": ""
    "knife": {
      "Roles": [
        "YOUR ROLE ID"
      "NoPermisionText": "{darkred}[!]{default} You do not have permission to use the knife command."
    "ban": {
      "Roles": [
        "OWNER ROLE ID",
        "ADMIN ROLE ID"
      "NoPermisionText": "{darkred}[!]{default} To use this command, you must have the {green}ADMIN{default} role on our Discord server."
  "ConfigVersion": 1

Last updated