

Gameplay Settings

What it doesAvailable values

Free For All

If the game will be FFA or Team

true / false

Custom Modes

Allow the custom modes (multicfg)?

true / false

Random Selection Of Modes

Will the modes be selected randomly?

true / false

Map Start Custom Mode

Which custom mode will the map start with?

ID of mode from custom_modes.json

New Mode Countdown

At what second does the countdown for the new mode appear?


Hud Type

0 - Center (Html is not supported) - Below 1 - CenterHtml - Above

0 or 1

Check Enemies Distance

Checking the distance from opponents to disable a specific spawn?

true / false

Distance From Enemies for Respawn

If check_enemies_distance is true, what distance will be checked?


Default Weapons

┌ What weapons will a player get if they don't have any weapons configured?

0 - The first weapon from the list (That can be in rescrictions)


1 - The first weapon from the list (That is not in rescrictions at all)


2 - A Random weapon that is not in restrictions


Include Restricted Weapons As Defaults

If restricted weapons will be included in default weapons. When Default Weapons is 2

true / false

Switch Weapons

When a player sets up a new weapons, if it will be changed immediately or only on the next respawn

true / false

Allow Buymenu

Enable weapon settings via buymenu?

true / false

Use Default Spawns

Use default spawns on maps?

true / false

Respawn Players After New Mode

Respawn all players at the start of a new mode?

true / false

Spawn Protection Color

Leave blank for none

Hex color, e.g. #0099ff

Last updated