Server Status Plus
Last updated
Last updated
⭐ This plugin is private! Can be purchased on our Discord Marketplace.
Keep track of your game server with automatic updates. It is very similar to our free Server Status module, but this addon offers more features such as displaying a list of players on the server, executing specific commands on players, and adding many custom buttons.
The plugin includes extensive configuration options where you can adjust and set up custom buttons for actions with connected players, customize the player list to your liking, display different embeds for admins and regular users, etc..
The Server Status will set itself, just fill in the Channel ID in the config file and modify the Embed to your liking. Then restart the server and a Server Status message will be automatically sent to the specified channel and it will start updating itself. Leave the Message ID blank, it will be filled in automatically.
Update Time
After what time is the status updated? The value must be higher than 30 secs! Otherwise the server status will be disabled.
Channel ID
The Channel ID where the Server Status will be sent
Message ID
Leave it blank, it will be automatically filled in when the status server is first set up.
Admin Role ID
Users with this role will see a different embed message when they select a player from the list.
If this feature will be available true
/ false
Leaderboard Button
Player Stats Button
Players Menu
If this feature will be available true
/ false
Menu Name
Name of players lists
Players Menu Format
How players will be displayed in the list (First line)
Players Menu Description Format
How players will be labeled in the list (Second line)
Players Menu Emoji
You can use default emoji like :smile:
, :rocket:
, etc..
or custom emoji like: <:NAME:ID>
To edit the embeds, follow the instructions: Custom Embeds Format
Available Variables for
Server Status Embed
/Button Text
orButton URL
• Server
Available Variables for
Admin Respond Embed
andRespond Embed
Available Variables for
Commands Sent Respond Embed
• Server • {COMMANDS} > Displays the executed commands • {COMMANDSCOUNT} > Number of executed commands