
⭐ This plugin is private! Can be purchased on our Discord Marketplace.

It is used to display a leaderboard of the top players. You can use any Statistics plugin (CSS or Metamod) that stores data in the database. It works by selecting players from a specified database based on a value you determine. For example, you can list the top players with the most kills, points, etc.. There are several options for displaying the leaderboard: 1. Automatic update message that refreshes at each map start 2. Specified Slash Command 3. or Button in the Server Status

The plugin includes extensive configuration options where you can set the tables from which statistics will be drawn, configure the automatic update message, set a custom Slash Command, and much more. The documentation contains an example for the default config.

⚠️You only need to have this plugin installed on one server! Do not upload this plugin to multiple servers if you use the same BOT on each server!

Config preview
  "Discord Command Data": {
    "Allow Command": true,
    "Command Name": "leaderboard",
    "Command Description": "View server leaderboard",
    "Server Option Name": "server",
    "Server Option Description": "Which server to take leaderboard from"
  "Servers List": {
    "Public": {
      "TopSize": 10,
      "SortingData": {
        "Table": "k4ranks",
        "SortedValue": "points",
        "SteamIdColumn": "steam_id"
      "StoredValuesPerTable": {
        "k4ranks": [
        "k4stats": [
      "AutoLeaderboardUpdate": {
        "Enabled": false,
        "ChannelID": "",
        "MessageID": ""
      "Embed": {
        "SilentReponse": true,
        "Content": "",
        "Title": "🏆 Public Server Leaderboard (TOP 10)",
        "Description": "This is the leaderboard for the public server.",
        "Thumbnail": "",
        "Image": "",
        "HEXColor": "#3399ff",
        "Footer": "Last update",
        "FooterTimestamp": true,
        "PlayersListFormat": {
          "NameFormat": "{PLACE_EMOJI} `{PLACE}.` **{name}** (Points: {points})\nKills: {kills} | Deaths: {deaths}\n",
          "PlaceEmotes": {
            "FirstPlace": ":first_place:",
            "SecondPlace": ":second_place:",
            "ThirdPlace": ":third_place:",
            "FourthPlace": ":military_medal:",
            "FifthPlace": ":military_medal:",
            "SixthPlace": ":military_medal:",
            "SeventhPlace": ":military_medal:",
            "EighthPlace": ":military_medal:",
            "NinthPlace": ":military_medal:",
            "TenthPlace": ":military_medal:",
            "EleventhPlace": ":military_medal:",
            "TwelfthPlace": ":military_medal:",
            "ThirteenthPlace": ":military_medal:",
            "FourteenthPlace": ":military_medal:",
            "FifteenthPlace": ":military_medal:"
        "SearchButton": {
          "Enabled": true,
          "ServerName": "Public",
          "Text": "Search Player Stats (Public)",
          "Color": 3,
          "Emoji": ":pushpin:"
      "Database": {
        "Host": "",
        "Port": 3306,
        "User": "",
        "Database": "",
        "Password": ""
    "Only Mirage": {
      "TopSize": 10,
      "SortingData": {
        "Table": "k4ranks",
        "SortedValue": "points",
        "SteamIdColumn": "steam_id"
      "StoredValuesPerTable": {
        "k4ranks": [
        "k4stats": [
      "AutoLeaderboardUpdate": {
        "Enabled": false,
        "ChannelID": "",
        "MessageID": ""
      "Embed": {
        "SilentReponse": true,
        "Content": "",
        "Title": "🏆 Only Mirage Server Leaderboard (TOP 10)",
        "Description": "This is the leaderboard for the Only Mirage server.",
        "Thumbnail": "",
        "Image": "",
        "HEXColor": "#ff9933",
        "Footer": "Last update",
        "FooterTimestamp": true,
        "PlayersListFormat": {
          "NameFormat": "{PLACE_EMOJI} `{PLACE}.` **{name}** (Points: {points})\nKills: {kills} | Deaths: {deaths}\n",
          "PlaceEmotes": {
            "FirstPlace": ":first_place:",
            "SecondPlace": ":second_place:",
            "ThirdPlace": ":third_place:",
            "FourthPlace": ":military_medal:",
            "FifthPlace": ":military_medal:",
            "SixthPlace": ":military_medal:",
            "SeventhPlace": ":military_medal:",
            "EighthPlace": ":military_medal:",
            "NinthPlace": ":military_medal:",
            "TenthPlace": ":military_medal:",
            "EleventhPlace": ":military_medal:",
            "TwelfthPlace": ":military_medal:",
            "ThirteenthPlace": ":military_medal:",
            "FourteenthPlace": ":military_medal:",
            "FifteenthPlace": ":military_medal:"
        "SearchButton": {
          "Enabled": false,
          "ServerName": "Only Mirage",
          "Text": "Search Player Stats (Only Mirage)",
          "Color": 3,
          "Emoji": ":mag:"
      "Database": {
        "Host": "",
        "Port": 3306,
        "User": "",
        "Database": "",
        "Password": ""
  "ConfigVersion": 1

Last updated