🔠Available Variables

Variables are used to find out information about the player or server and overwrite the data. For example: Variable {Server.MapName} overwrites this value with the current map name.

CAUTION That some texts cannot use Player Variables, for example. See the individual configurations for more information.

Player Variables

Used to overwrite player/target informations.

  • {Player.Name}

  • {Player.SteamID32}

  • {Player.SteamID64}

  • {Player.CommunityUrl}

  • {Player.IpAddress}

  • {Player.PlayedTime}

  • {Player.FirstJoin}

  • {Player.LastSeen}

  • {Player.TeamShortName}

  • {Player.TeamLongName}

  • {Player.TeamNumber}

  • {Player.Kills}

  • {Player.Deaths}

  • {Player.Assists}

  • {Player.KD}

  • {Player.Points}

  • {Player.CountryShort}

  • {Player.CountryLong}

  • {Player.CountryEmoji}

  • {Player.UserID}

  • {Player.DiscordGlobalname}

  • {Player.DiscordDisplayName}

  • {Player.DiscordAvatar}

  • {Player.DiscordPing}

  • {Player.DiscordID}

Server Variables

Used to overwrite server informations.

  • {Server.Name}

  • {Server.Timeleft}

  • {Server.MaxPlayers}

  • {Server.MapName}

  • {Server.MapImageUrl}

  • {Server.OnlinePlayers}

  • {Server.OnlinePlayersAndBots}

  • {Server.OnlineBots}

  • {Server.JoinUrl}

  • {Server.TeamScoreCT}

  • {Server.TeamScoreT}

Discord User Variables

Used to overwrite discord user informations.

  • {DiscordUser.DisplayName}

  • {DiscordUser.GlobalName}

  • {DiscordUser.ID}

Discord Server Variables

Used to overwrite discord channel informations.

  • {DiscordChannel.Name}

  • {DiscordChannel.ID}

  • {DiscordChannel.Message}

Last updated