Report (Calladmin)


Report (Calladmin) is used to report the player to admins. There are several methods that players can use to report.


  • Admins can handle the reports as solved (Through Discord (Button) or ingame)

  • If the player has already been reported and the report has been solved, this player will no longer be able to be reported (On currert map)

  • Display a report message to connected admins on the server

  • Report/Calladmin command cooldown

  • Report Expiration

  • Custom Reasons

  • Unreportable flags

  • Display Player Stats (Required: Player Stats module)


Report Commands

What commands can players use to perform report

Reports List Commands

What commands can admins use to display all reports

Allow Ingame Reports List

Enable/Disable to display all active reports in the game true / false

Allow Self Report

true / false

Report Expiration

After how long, the reports are deleted (minutes)

Anti Report Spam

If a player has been reported and his report has been solved, it will not be possible to report him again on the current map (true / false )

Send Message To Sender On Solved

If a message will be sent to the player when his report is solved (true / false )

Admin Flag

Which admins get notified when a player is reported

Unreportable Flag

Which flag cannot be reported

Report Cooldown

After how long the player can use the report again (secs)

Report Command Method

What method can players use the command 1 - /report > This will open a menu, when player can select target and reason 2 - /report <player> <reason> > The player must type the name of the target and the reason 3 - /report <reason> > The player only has to type the reason without the target name 0 - Methods 1 and 2 work simultaneously

Report Reasons

List of available reasons. If you want to allow a custom reason, add #CUSTOMREASON to the list

Custom Reason Minimum Length

Minimum number of characters for custom reason

Cancel Report Command

With which command can the player cancel the report for a custom reason

Channel ID

The Channel ID where the report will be sent

Button Section Configuration



If this feature will be available true / false

Admin Roles ID

List of roles that can mark a report as resolved (separate with a comma)

To edit the embed, follow the instructions: Custom Embeds Format

Available Variables for Report Embed

Server and Player (For Target Varibles replace Player with Target, example: {Target.PlayerName})

{REASON} > Displays the reason

Available Variables for Discord Solved Report Embed


Available Variables for Ingame Solved Report Embed

Server and Player

Available Variables for Expired Report Embed


Last updated